Categories: Familylife

Mom Started Feeding Her Baby In The Middle Of A Restaurant, Then Waitress Handed Her A Heartwarming Note

Isabelle Ames was breastfeeding her daughter, Charlotte, in a restaurant in Gilbert, Arizona when a waitress gave her a note that left her teary-eyed.


The waitress served their pancakes. But with pancakes, there was a note as well. When Isabelle opened the note, she broke down and gave the waitress a hug.


The note read, “Thank you for breastfeeding here! Much love and respect!!! Erica.”

Erica Chambers is a waitress in a restaurant. The restaurant allows each server to give three pancakes a day free of charge to the customers they think are deserving.


Most people look with disgust at breastfeeding mothers and Erica didn’t want this to happen with Isabelle. So, to make her feel better, she decided to give a free pancake to Isabelle.


She never thought that this small act of kindness would earn her huge respect.

The server told Fox 10, “I didn’t expect any of this, I just wanted to pat another mom on the back.”

“Being a breastfeeding mom, I know how demanding that can be and how important that can be. I just have a soft spot for breastfeeding moms.” Erica said.


Isabelle wanted the world to know about this kind lady so, she shared this incident with everyone. She said: “I think it was so important to share because I’ve been so worried throughout my breastfeeding experience that someone would have a negative reaction and come up to me. So to have a positive reaction and have that face-to-face was really cool.”


“I started crying and gave her a big hug. She just told me we have to support each other and have each other’s backs.” Isabelle added.


Both, Isabelle and Erica, hope that their story will bring a change as breastfeeding mothers have to deal with a lot of negative reactions.