Categories: Family

When Her Son Wanted To Be Treated Like An Adult, His Mom Did The UNTHINKABLE

Now this is a controversial topic when it comes to parenting: how much tough love is just right?


This conversation starter can heat up any room full of parents. Some are in the extremes, where the child can do no wrong, and there are also parents in the other extreme, where the child is basically living in a dictatorship!

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Well, Heidi handled the disciplining of her 13-year-old son in quite a unique fashion. Her son, Aaron, had lied to her about doing his homework, AND gave her attitude when he was confronted about it. His recent taste of fame as a YouTuber had spoiled him quite a bit! But Heidi didn’t let that get in the way of setting him straight.


Mama’s done playing games and being a doormat,” she said, as she wrote and taped this letter on her son’s door.

via Facebook / Heidi Johnson

Can you imagine how a 13-year-old boy would react to finding this on his door, with all of his favorite belongings gone?


That’s right, Aaron tore down this letter and stormed out of the apartment after he crumpled it on the floor. Heidi waited, so that the two of them could talk once he calmed down a little and was able to hold an actual conversation.

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Surprisingly, the first thing he did when he returned home was to hand over more of his electronics and other luxury items he felt he was taking for granted.


“I’m sorry Mom,” Aaron said. “What can I do to make things better?”

So the two of them sat down and made a very clear list of guidelines — terms of agreement, if you will — for Aaron to follow in order to be a respectful kid to his mom Heidi. You can check out the “contract” below in full:

via Facebook / Heidi Johnson

There’s more to this story: When Heidi posted her note on Facebook, she only meant for her friends to see it. However, she accidentally published it publicly, and now strangers were trying to befriend her and/or give their unsolicited two cents about raising children.


“Why publicly shame him?”

“Why don’t you lead by example?”

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Other people are cheering her on:

“Awesome mom!! An example of what needs to be!”

“Good job mom! No need to justify how you parent.”


“You are doing a great job teaching your son how to make it in the bigger world. Keep it up!”

What do you think? Do you agree with how Heidi handled the situation?

via Facebook / Heidi Johnson

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