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A Simple Tanning Injection Started This German Model’s Journey Into Becoming Black

We always have something to complain about when it comes to our bodies, especially among women.


That’s why beauty and cosmetics are very profitable industries around the world. When plastic surgery became more widespread, people the world over started to take advantage of body modifications in search of the look they always wanted. This is especially true for artists and models whose looks frequently determine how bankable they are.

German model Martina Big was no stranger to body modifications.point 348 |


To describe her as busty would be an understatement because her modified breasts are simply humongous.point 87 | Being white and blonde, she used to go for the plump Barbie look.point 140 | But last year, a series of tanning injections got her more than just darker skin.point 207 |


In an interview with Barcroft TV, Martina claims that her skin got much darker than expected and her eye and hair color changed to what a typical African woman would look like.point 177 | Her boyfriend Michael had the same injections but never experienced such dramatic effects.point 255 | 1


Convinced that she had switched races, Martina has apparently bought into her transformation to the point that she visited Africa to learn more about their culture and way of life. African people themselves comment that she really does look like an African woman.


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