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This Model Is Proud Of Her ‘Black Hairy Patch’ Birthmark On Her Face

Caters News

Watch the video of the model.


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Video credit: Rumble

Despite the glamour of it all, being a model is a tough career. Your physical looks are your stock in trade and you’re competing with hundreds if not thousands of others for whatever modeling gigs are available. Which makes Brazilian model Mariana Mendes Magalhães, 26, even more remarkable.


This is because she exudes confidence as a model despite a facial birthmark in the form of a “black hairy patch.” In fact, she has taken it upon herself to challenge what is commonly defined as beauty.

Caters News

Mariana’s birthmark starts on her eyebrows and spreads down her nose. Medically speaking, it’s called CMN or Congenital Melanocytic Naevus which typically appears in newborns.


Mariana says: “Many people praise me and say that I am beautiful the way I really am and there are people who say unpleasant things and do not think they can hurt.

“I want all people who have CMN to feel comfortable being who they are and not depend on aesthetic treatments, nor on the quest for a standard beauty.”


Mariana began her modeling career two years ago by appearing in the fashion editorials of college magazines. From the start, it was her goal to prove that “different” people like her can still make it as a model.

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She says: “I had modeled in college for fashion editorials but professionally started modeling two years ago when brands started calling me with assignments after I gave an interview on TV.


“I accepted it for the purpose of having a ‘different’ person in the media, both in photos, videos and on TV.

“I grew up seeing people I’ve never identified myself within magazines, movies, and fashion and today my biggest fight is to bring representation to the media.


“The response to my photographs was very good. I was very happy with the result and everyone reacted very well. And that’s when I decided to represent people who feel different because different is beautiful and must be shown.”