Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t See The Mistake In This Picture! How About You?

People with a high IQ have been dared to solve a puzzle showing a man fishing by the river.


In the picture below, you can see a fashionista chilling by the river and hunting fish for his family dinner. Somewhere in the vintage graphic, however, there is also a big mistake.

Credit – BrainyCounty

To spot the mistake, you’ll have to focus on the smallest of details. While one can easily see the man and the tree he’s sitting under, we can guarantee that the mistake is much smaller.


To further help you on your search, we can tell you that the error represents one of the things that shouldn’t be in the picture.

That’s right, one of the things you see doesn’t belong here and should quickly be moved next to the sea!

Source – Pexels

By now, you’ve probably realized that the mistake is the starfish! These creatures can be found near and in the sea, but they can’t possibly thrive in rivers.


How long did it take you to solve the mystery? Ready or not, here comes another similar challenge for you to conquer.

Credit – BrainyCounty

In the picture below, you can see a bride and a groom. While the bride is holding onto her lover, the groom is gazing at her eyes.


Though most people can’t see anything odd at first glance, some might just spot the error if they zoom in and think about the situation for a while.

Credit – BrainyCounty

Have you spotted the mistake yet? Nothing is actually wrong with our couple, but something isn’t right about their position.


According to tradition, the bride should walk on the left side of the groom!

Credit – BrainyCounty

How fast did you solve these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!