Categories: FunlifeQuiz

75% Of Viewers Couldn’t See The Mistake In This Image – But Can You Solve The Mystery?

It’s a fresh day and your rested eyes could definitely use some proper exercise.


Staying active both physically and mentally speaking is key to living a healthy life. While we can’t help you pedal a bike, we can ensure that you get your daily dose of brain stimulation with the help of our fun visual challenges.

Here comes the first puzzle for you to crack!


Somewhere in the image above, there is a big error and you have to find it in less than thirty seconds to pass the test!


The summertime scene shows two kids riding bikes somewhere in the countryside. They are both wearing helmets and appeared overjoyed while breathing in the fresh air.

But where’s the mistake that 75% of viewers couldn’t even find? Take a closer look and you might just succeed!

Source – Pixabay

Are you still looking for that error? We can tell you it concerns one of the bikes. Let’s just say that one of the boys is in for a bumpy ride!


Once you’ve figured out the answer, or once you’re tired of trying, scroll down to view the solution!


As you can see, one of the wheels on the orange bike is not even round!


Now that you know just how hard it can be to spot tiny details, it’s time to move on to the next visual challenge. Once again, try finding the error in just half a minute.


This time, you can see a young girl and boy eating ice cream while sitting on a bench at a park. Two birds are patiently waiting for crumbs to fall on the ground while the kids are having a good chat.


But where’s the mistake this time? Here’s a hint: it’s closer to the ground than you might think!

Ignore those trees in the back and have another go at the puzzle to spot the odd feature and pass the test. Once you’re done, verify your answer below.



How quickly did you spot the errors? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and brain teasers, follow us on Facebook!