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Cabinet Minister Warned Violence In Britain Will Erupt If Brexit Is Not Delivered

Senior allies of Boris Johnson warned that Britain could experience civil unrest on the level of the yellow vest protests if Brexit is unfulfilled.


The prime minister repeatedly mentioned attempts to block no-deal as the ‘surrender act’ amid riots in the Commons.

Jeremy Corbyn

Mr. Johnson allegedly incited hatred towards MPs with Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn saying that the language of the PM encouraged people to act in a ‘disgraceful and abusive way.’


A senior cabinet minister just claimed that a referendum to overturn the result could lead to a ‘violent, popular uprising.’


Mr. Johnson’s most senior and trusted adviser, Dominic Cummings, said: “We are enjoying this, we are going to leave and we are going to win.”

He also said that the Remainer MPs became ‘badly disconnected’ from the world. “The MPs said we will have a referendum, we will respect the result and then they spent three years swerving all over the shop.


“It is not surprising some people are angry about it. I find it very odd that these characters are complaining that people are unhappy about their behaviour now and they also say they want a referendum.


“If you are a bunch of politicians and say that we swear we are going to respect the result of a democratic vote, and then after you lose you say, we don’t want to respect that vote, what do you expect to happen?”

Mr. Johnson also said he wouldn’t be bullied into making an apology and said he would continue using the term ‘surrender act.’


Trying to defuse the row, he also said that ‘tempers need to come down.’

But one minister said to the Times: “In this country we never had the gilets jaunes or the LA riots.


“People don’t think it’s possible in this country just because it has not happened before.

“Now they have a model — gilets jaunes — and it only takes a couple of nasty populist frontmen to inspire people.”


The minister also said that reversing Brexit would result in a catastrophic loss of confidence in the political system. “It doesn’t take much and soon you have tens of thousands of people on the street.”

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