Categories: DIYlife

These Simple Psychological Tricks Actually Work

If you’re a lay-man and want to learn some tips to trick people and blow their mind, Welcome folk! You are landed onto the right page.


Professional psychologists use a number of complex procedures to study mind and manipulate with it but here are some very simple and proven techniques which people from different professions such as interviewers, hotel management staff and advertisement companies use that actually work too.

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© Bruce Almighty / Spyglass Entertainment

  • Rather than asking someone anything starting with “Could you …”, try to put in other words as in requesting them.point 237 |

    For example, asking a man “Could you do the dishes?” and the answer must be Yes, hypothetically he could which sounds very lame.point 110 | So you can rephrase it as “Please, do the dishes.point 152 |

  • There are times while having a conversation with someone, you start feeling uncomfortable.point 233 |

    If you want to get back at them, start looking at his/her forehead and BOOM! That person will feel the same you felt a while ago.point 104 |

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© Inception / Warner Bros.point 227 |

  • If you feel like someone is trying to hide the truth or skip the details, take a 2 minutes pause in the conversation and start looking directly into their eyes, this will make the other person think that you already know the truth and they might keep on telling more details or the truth (in case they are lying).point 255 |

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© Ocean’s Twelve / Warner Bros.point 133 |
  • If you want to develop a relationship with someone at work, try asking more questions from them (even you already know the answers).point 243 |

    You can also ask them to explain something to you in detail.point 49 |

  • If you want the answer to be a YES! from someone, try nodding while asking question and it will be a SURE, YES! (Alert: This technique is used by the hotel staff to make you buy more food).point 201 |

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© Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory / Wolper Pictures Ltd.point 155 |
  • If you want to handover anything to a person or take something from them which you could never do in their conscious state, try handing over/taking while they are busy in a phone conversation.point 314 |

    Trust me they’ll never remember that event.point 39 |

  • Its proven that telling someone they couldn’t do any particular task makes them push even harder to do it.point 129 | So if you want someone to do some specific job, tell them they can’t do it.point 191 |
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© The Office / Reveille Productions
  • Nodding while a conversation makes the other person more attentive towards you.point 390 |

  • If you feel tired or sleep deprived, tell your brain that you slept well last night, this is a great mind programming trick which can make you feel fresh.point 126 |

What do you think about these techniques?point 161 | 1


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