Categories: life

Milwaukee County Bus Driver Helped A Homeless Man Find Shelter

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Sometimes the smallest act of kindness and help can change somebody else’s life forever. We never come to know how our little efforts can make things better for the other person and change that person’s life.


People get help and kindness from unlikely places like public transportation, classrooms, and much more. Recently a Milwaukee County bus driver helped a homeless man find shelter for himself.

While traveling in the bus, a man opened up to the bus driver about his struggle of being homeless. He also asked the bus driver if he could ride the bus at night so that he has a place to keep himself warm.


The man started staying on the route every day, and when Barnes, the bus driver used to take a dinner break then she used to get him something to eat too. She also asked him if he wants anything from the Dollar store.


Barnes did everything she could to help the homeless man as she also asked a friend who is at the Community Advocates to find a place for him to stay.

The community advocates helped the man find a temporary stay till the time he gets himself a permanent one.


Barnes is known for the best services that she provides and for the two years that she has worked so nicely for public transportation.


She is known for her kindness and generosity as she always brings butter and jelly sandwiches for the people in need. It is great to see that there are people around us who consider helping other people in need so that they don’t have to go through all this alone.


It is important for us to know that a little kindness won’t take away anything from us but will surely give a lot to that other person.



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