Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Can You Solve This Simple Math Problem That Almost No One Gets Right On Their First Try?

An astoundingly simple and yet confusing math problem has gone viral after leaving people baffled.


Though we’ve all gotten very familiar with math at some point in our lives, most of us have already forgotten everything but the easiest operations such as addition and subtraction.

It’s now time to bring your math skills back to life and have some fun with a deceiving little math problem we’ve prepared!

©Ascending Media

As the picture above suggests, your job is to divide 30 by ½ and add 10. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

To get to the correct answer, we ask you to think about the equation twice before sharing your ideas in the comment section. Make sure that you’ve thought it through or you will earn your place as one of the many viewers who failed this challenge.


Even better, get a piece of paper and write it all down to get a better perception of the problem!

Source – Pixabay

Are you ready to see the answer? It’s 70, and not 25 like most people think.


Keep in mind that when you divide 30 by one half you get 60. You would only get 15 if you divided 30 by 2!

Source – Pixabay

Did you manage to see through the deception and answer this viral math problem correctly? If not, here’s another chance for you to prove your math skills to the world.


Here’s how the second math riddle goes: A farmer has 19 sheep on his land. One day, a big storm hits and all but seven run away. How many sheep does the farmer have left?

Source – Pixabay

What’s your final answer? If you got 12, you are sorely mistaken!


Try reading the riddle again. All but seven sheep ran away. This means that 12 ran away while 7 remained on the farmer’s land!

Source – Pixabay

How quickly did you crack these math puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!