Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Simple Math Problem Divides The Internet After Viewers Share Different Answers

A simple math equation designed for young students has divided the internet after people came up with different answers.


Math puzzles are not only fun but also a great way to give our brain a boost and make sure we don’t forget everything that we learned during the math class all those years ago.

Credit – VonVon

This time, you are asked to inspect the math equation above and try your best to solve it. Keep in mind that the answer is unambiguous and that you will get to it no matter which modern order of operations you follow.

Source – Pixabay

Before we reveal the answer and explain how we got to it, let us know what your solution to the problem is. If you’re ready for the big reveal, feel free to scroll down!


The answer to the math equation in question is 24. No other answer is acceptable according to the modern interpretation of orders of interpretation.

Source – Pixabay

Here’s the breakdown of the problem!


60 ÷ 5 (7 – 5) =
60 ÷ 5 (2) =
12 (2) =

Credit – VonVon

According to all modern-day orders of operations (including PEMDAS, PEDMAS, BOMDAS, BODMAS, BEDMAS, BEMDAS), the first thing to do is to solve whatever is inside the brackets/parentheses.


Once that’s done, you move on to multiplication and division. Keep in mind that according to all of the aforementioned orders, division and multiplication have the same priority. Because they have the same priority, you have to do whatever comes first (from left to right) – in this case, that’s division – in order to get to the correct answer.

Source – Pixabay

60 ÷ 5 (2) =
12 (2) =

60 ÷ 5 (2) =
60 ÷ 10 =

What are your thoughts on this math challenge? Did you manage to solve the equation on your own? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!