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This Massive African Watusi Is A Pet And His Owners Bring Him Everywhere – Even To Pet Shops

Caters News

Watch the video of the owners and their pet.


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If you love animals, then you know how fun and therapeutic it is to own a pet. Especially for couples, a pet can be something like a surrogate child that (hopefully) prepares them for having children of their own.


Most people would be happy enough having a cat or dog (or several). The more adventurous ones would go for snakes, owls, spiders, and other exotic breeds. One couple in Liberty, Texas, opted for an African-Ankole Watusi named Oliver. What is distinctive about Watusis is that they have very large horns and Vince and Michelle Lumpkin have one at home.

Caters News

But the couple loves Oliver so much that they pretty much bring him wherever they go, including to pet shops. One time as they were heading home, they had to stop by and purchase some fish food and the local Petco branch even invited Oliver in. Who says you only get to bring toy dogs with you to the store?


Video footage shows Vince leading Oliver in through two sets of automatic doors with the friendly 14-year-old animal appreciating a few head pats from the store’s staff.

Michelle said: “Everyone just adored him.

“There were no complications, everybody was just in awe.


“The Petco visit was not planned at all.

“That particular branch is where we go most of the time anyway so they know us and know about Oliver.

“I asked one of the workers called Megan if she wanted to come to the trailer and meet Oliver but she suggested bringing him in.


“So, I told Vince and he said sure let’s do it.

“We went out and put Oliver’s halter on and led him in.”

Caters News

The couple is no stranger to handling large animals. Vince actually used to ride bulls growing up and even won the Bud Light Super Bull World Championship in 1992, so keeping Oliver as a pet was no biggie at all.


Oliver also has a mother, sister, and younger brother with him at the ranch and is so gentle that he even allows the family dog to ride him.

Michelle said: “He eats probably three to four gallons of grain feed per day.

“Oliver gets along fine with the other animals.”