Categories: life

People Outraged By 1950s Women’s Guide To Happy Marriage

Although the 1950s were only a mere 70 years ago which is a drop in the ocean of human history, looking back at it really shows how much progress has happened since then.


When we posted the tips from the 1950s housewife guide, many of you were curious about other customs from that time. There also seemed to be a divide among readers whether you found the rules agreeable or not. So we decided to dig deep into archives and pull out this, a list of marriage tips from the 1950s!


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After you’ve scrolled through this list, we would love to hear your thoughts on this list and if your opinion of the 1950s has changed at all!

1. A Smile Goes A Long Way

Image via The Ideal In The Housewife

Chances are, you’ve probably heard at least one man come up to you and tell you to smile because it makes you “prettier.”


Well in the 1950s, women were expected to fake their smiles, no matter how miserable they were. The same was not expected of husbands. As you progress through this list you will see this theme repeated constantly.

2. Keep Quiet

Image via Fine Art America

Nowadays, there are times where either partner needs some silence to think, however in the 1950s things were much different.


Instead wives were expected to never challenge or question her husband’s decisions! Nowadays that seems more like a prison sentence, than a life partner. Now women and men are allowed to share their minds equally, making a much happier life for both!


3. Wear Pink Underwear

Image via Pinterest

Dr. William Josephus Robinson, an expert at the time, said that “Every women should wear the best quality underwear that she can afford. And the color should be preferably pink.”


Even something as private as underwear was to be mandated by men. This rule in particular seems very unusual from a modern day perspective.

4. Don’t Let The Kids Be Too Much Trouble

Image via Pinterest

As crazy as it sounds, mothers were expected to control their children whenever their father was around. It was always the mother’s job to make sure the children were well behaved and never got in father’s way.


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It’s hard to imagine how mothers in the 1950s ever managed to accomplish this. Any parent will tell you that kids will indeed be kids, no matter how hard you try!

5. Expert Cooking Will Keep Your Man Loyal

Image via And The Words Became Books

Supposedly, if your cooking was fantastic, your husband would never cheat or leave you.


Another curious and laughable entry. Perhaps just misguided, but makes you scratch your head in the modern day.

6.point 96 | Put As Much Care Into Your Appearance As Dinner

point 135 |
Image via

files.point 6 | wordpress.point 16 | com/2013/03/housewives-cleaning-family.point 55 | jpg">Envisioning The American Dreams

After you’ve made sure your cooking is five star chef approved, then you must make sure that your appearance is also absolutely stellar.point 208 |


After cooking your incredible meal all day, making sure the kids are calm and doing well in school you must also make sure you look fabulous when your husband returns home from work.point 150 | point 150 | 1

I could never survive if the 1950s were truly this strict for women!


7. Don’t Be Too Sexual Or Too Prude

Image via Al Buell / Flickr

Oh, and a wife was always to be the perfect balance between being appealing to her husband, but not too appealing that she attracted the attention of all the nearby men. An impossible thing to manage when you’re a mother balancing a clean and running home!


8.point 2 | Don’t Get Angry If He Cheats

point 31 |
Al Parker / Start With Sunset

Although a woman was never allowed to cheat on her husband, lest it look poorly upon her, a man was allowed to cheat.point 281 |


In fact it was always the woman’s fault.point 39 | She wasn’t providing enough for him, so he began to seek out something better.point 110 | This is likely what lead to the thinking that cheaters are just looking for something else, rather than abusing the trust given to them by their partner.point 237 | 1


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9.point 2 | Remember That The Man Is In Charge

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Image via Stepford Wives

Perhaps the more hotly debated one, is that the man is always to be the ruler of the home.point 269 |


It was expected that both women and men respected that it was the man who ran the house, including finances and major decisions.point 106 | Although this means that wives will have less say in how their homes are run, it also means that they don’t need to worry about any additional stress.point 235 | 1


So tell us what do you think, reader? Are there any here that you follow or would consider following? Do you think these tips are horrifying and should be forgotten to the past? Tell us what you think down below!

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