Categories: Animals/Petslife

Man Warns Other Pet Owners To Not Make The Same Mistake After Beloved Dog Passed Away

A 29-year-old man who took his pooch for a trip was left grieving after his furry companion died due to saltwater poisoning.


Chris Taylor and his dog were out for an amazing day at the beach and it never occurred to him that this might be the last trip they would take together.

He was studying at the University of South Florida when he first met his loyal dog who was only a pup then. The young student named him O.G.


Taylor recalls how O.G. instantly became attached to him. “He always wanted to be doing what I was doing. He’s my family. he’s just so goofy and just always excited to see me when I came through the door,” he told WFLA.


O.G. loved water so much that whenever Taylor was done with his day, they go to the beach.

Seven years later the sweet pooch hadn’t changed a bit. O.G. was just as thrilled to get down to the water.


On this specific day, Taylor took his loving dog to a South Florida dog beach called Honeymoon Island. They had a full day of playing and frolicking in the salt water.

But their incredible day turned into an evening of worry. O.G. started showing signs that he wasn’t feeling well.


The pooch had an upset stomach that turned into diarrhea. He then started to vomit. Even though Taylor nurtured him with wholesome meals of rice and chicken the next day, O.G. was still not himself.


Two days later, the dog had become listless. He started rejecting water and food and just stared off in a daze. Taylor said his furry companion had become completely unresponsive.

The worried man rushed him to the vet but the saltwater poisoning had already set it.


“I saw him last night, and he was convulsing, and I asked if he was in pain, she said I don’t even think he knows where he is,” Taylor told WFLA reporters.


When canines drink too much saltwater it results in severe dehydration, leading to irreparable brain damage that causes seizures, and eventually, death.

“It still feels surreal. It doesn’t feel like reality. I [have] to get a grip on that and realize that it is real and he’s gone,” Taylor expressed.


He urges other pet owners to pay close attention to their dogs when they are hanging out around saltwater.

When taking your dog to the beach, make sure that your canine drinks a lot of fresh-water every 30 minutes to flush out sodium from saltwater.


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