Categories: Entertainmentlife

A Man Wearing A TV Set On His Head Left Television Sets Outside Of People’s Homes In Virginia

How would you feel if a stranger wearing a huge television set on their head and leaving TVs outside your front door? Well, you surely will be freaked out.


The people in Virginia are facing the same and they are baffled to see what is all this happening to them. Doorbell surveillance cameras have footage of a man dropping off a bunch of sets before disappearing into the night.

A resident Jim Brooksbank spoke to WTVR-TV about the creepy act of kindness, saying: “He’s committed to his trade.”


“He wants to be known as the TV Santa Claus. I don’t know.”

“We got an old tube-style TV, 13 inch.”


Reportedly, the stranger has visited around 50 homes in Henrico’s Hampshire neighborhood.

Another homeowner, Michael Kroll said: “I thought my son brought it home, but apparently not. They had way too much time on their hands if they had all these TV’s and spread them all over the neighborhood.”

Jeanne Brooksbank

Local police were informed about the situation and have received video footage from several neighbors, but they think it is just a prank. They even visited the homes and have now collected all of the television sets that were dropped off by the stranger.


Speaking to the press, one officer said: “At most this seems to be more an inconvenience to the community.”

Mr. Brooksbank praised the police for their assistance, saying: “The police did a great job of coming up and collecting them all.”


But this is not the first time when homeowners are getting TV sets outside their homes. The same incident happened in another neighborhood last summer.


Mr. Kroll said: “I think it’s just a prank. Some college students who are just bored.”

Mr. Brooksbank then added: “It’s summer, and people are getting ready to go back to school. Maybe TV man was just ready to strike and put a little humor in our lives.”