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Man Arrested For Hoarding Face Masks And Selling Them For A Huge Profit Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

A man got arrested for hoarding N95 face masks and selling them for a huge profit amid the coronavirus pandemic as health workers are struggling to come across protective gear.


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The incident occurred in Brooklyn, New York, where FBI agents raided the home of a man whom they suspected of profiting from the crisis after spotting numerous empty face mask boxes outside his home.

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According to the reports, the man had been hoarding a large number of masks and other supplies such as surgical gowns and hand sanitizers that are vital to suppressing the pandemic.


The agents have also discovered the man’s warehouse where he had recently received a large shipment consisting of eight pallets of boxes filled with N95 masks.

©Christopher Sadowski

As per the US Attorney’s Office, the man has been accused of selling a portion of the supplies to a New Jersey doctor for 700 percent more than they would typically cost.

©Christopher Sadowski

After the FBI agents have seized the hoarded essentials, 43-year-old Baruch Feldheim has been charged with providing false statements to the bureau.

Source – Twitter

In addition, the man is also facing assault charges due to coughing on the FBI agents when they approached him.


“When the agents were within four to five feet of him, Feldheim allegedly coughed in their direction without covering his mouth. At that point, Feldheim told the FBI agents that that he had the coronavirus,” the US Attorney statement read.


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