Categories: life

Man Floods His Bathroom After The Stunt He Performed Went Wrong

When performing a stunt, a good deal of practice and protection is needed, but this wasn’t the case with a particular French YouTuber when he tried doing a “stunt”.


Cyril Schreiner got himself into a lot of trouble when the stunt he tried to perform did not go as planned.

Cyril came up with the idea to fill his bathtub with orbeez, which are silicon balls that expand in the water. He wanted to do so for his latest online video.


But things went upside down for him and his entire bathroom. He didn’t even think of cleaning the bathroom or scooping the orbeez off the floor; instead, he pulled out the plug on the operation.


At this rate, the jelly balls started filling up the pipes and kept returning from the sink and also through the toilet. That was the final moment when Cyril realized all too well, he completely messed it up.


A fan with a Twitter handle @yuqheis created a thread and documented the entire event as it kept unfolding. Since then it has received over 800,000 likes, along with 230,000 retweets.


The thread was tilted as “This French guy filled up his bath with orbeez and didn’t have a single clue how to get rid of them. He just pulled the plug and in return, the orbeez came back in from the toilet and the sink”.


But Cyril made matters from bad to worst. Without thinking, he flushed the toilet that caused it to overfill, which did not take much time for the entire bathroom to become flooded.


After seeing the damages, he vacuumed it instead. Well, that too didn’t go well either as the vacuum started to smoke and caught on fire. 

Cyril claimed that the entire sewage system of his neighborhood is blocked and the town hall has delivered a letter to him, telling the police were in search of the perpetrator.


His statement was shut down by the Mayor as he claimed the parts of the video are staged and there is no drainage system linking all the houses within the neighborhood.

Many viewers shared their disappointment with what Cyril did and said he did it on purpose.


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