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Owner Captured The First 30 Days Of A Budgie’s Life On Camera

It all starts with an egg.


The owner sees movements inside the tiny egg; the chick is trying to break the shell and get out. The video shows the owner gently removing the shell to help the chick emerge.


The chick’s eyes are shut, but it is sure that the bright daylight is too strong for its eyes. The baby budgie (seed-eating parrot) is completely vulnerable at this stage. It needs proper care and attention.

Diary of Elite Birds – Pet Birds Care and Tips – YouTube

The papa budgie has light yellow and turquoise feathers whereas the mama budgie has white and powdery blue feathers. The owner is thrilled with the fact that the feather color this baby budgie will have when it grows is going to be awesome.


The baby is getting strong each day; its eyes have started to open up which is covered with soft white down.

Two weeks had passed, the baby is stable, and by the 19th day, it is resting on a branch.

Diary of Elite Birds – Pet Birds Care and Tips – YouTube

It is the dad’s duty to feed the little budgie, and the sweet mother just sits and watches its baby budgie grow.


The owner softly whispers to the birds as he patiently tames the baby budgie.

At day 30, the baby has grown into a cheerful, healthy budgie who loves eating leaves with its dad.

Diary of Elite Birds – Pet Birds Care and Tips – YouTube

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