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Man Dressed Up As A Woman To Pass His Mother’s Driving Test

A 60-year-old mother named Maria, who was unable to pass her driving test even after three attempts, sent her son to pass the test for her.


Her 43-year-old son named Heitor Schiave dressed up as his mother for his mother’s fourth driving test.


He wore a floral shirt with a maxi skirt, got his nails done, and went for the fourth driving test with a full face of makeup.


However, Heitor, who is a mechanic from north Brazil, got caught by the driving inspector after he was asked to show his ID.

The driving inspector had not suspected anything unusual at first but quickly realized it was a man dressed up as a woman as his hands were big and he was behaving awkwardly.


Aline Mendonça, the examiner for Rondonia’s State Traffic Department (Detran), told police: “His disguise didn’t register as unusual at first because I had just finished testing my fifth candidate so was a little distracted.


However, when I got into the car and sat down beside who I thought was the provisional driver, I quickly realised this was a man dressed as a woman.”

“He was doing his best to be feminine and as natural as possible. His make-up was really well done and he looked extremely good. I asked him to show me his identity to verify who he was and it was soon clear he was not the person who had booked to sit the test. I then called the police as his actions had to be reported as a crime.”


A bystander filmed the video of the incident which has now gone viral online.

He was then arrested and is now facing charges of identity fraud and attempting to deceive a government body.




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