Categories: life

A Man Dressed as Batman Was Turned Away By The Police After Offering Help

Watch: Batman tries to help the police


Video Credit: Youtube/BSW TOPSTORIES

When we see someone roaming around dressed in a Batman costume, the first thing that will cross our mind is that they must be going to a kids party but wrong. There’s a guy who was roaming around in Batman costume to help police in fighting crimes.


In Kelowna, British Columbia this incident was captured on the camera and the man jumped out of his batmobile which was a truck made similar to the original batman’s truck.


The guy in Batman’s disguise was helping the police in fighting off the crimes. He was wearing a cape, six pack, mask, boots and much more.


He then went to the group of police officers and offered them help. The police officers turned him away, and he was seen walking back looking fed up while his mask was hiding his humiliated expression.


It was later discovered that the police there was dealing with some severe domestic incident and did not want to involve anybody else.


The police told the guy that everything is under control and that’s when we saw him walking back. Melissa Parent was there to capture the whole scenario while when the police car pulled out in front of them at the intersection.


There were more cars, and the cops had their guns and out of nowhere came the Batman in his Batmobile.


It was a very confusing situation for the people around because no one was able to understand what Batman was doing in the whole case.


Then a police Spokesman was communicating with the local media where he said that such cases are very crazy because they change the subject and take away the focus.


In such situations, the presence of Batman or anyone else around can be unwanted or foolish because in a way they are putting themselves in danger.


Though nobody knows how the Batman works, we all hope that whatever he is doing, he is getting paid well.

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