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Horrifying Moment Man Discovers What Had Been Tickling His Ear For Hours

A man who felt a tickling sensation inside his earmuff discovered a large huntsman spider hiding inside.


Olly Hurts from Perth, Australia, was working as a plumber when he suddenly got distracted by something in his ear.

But when he took off his industrial earmuffs to see what was going on, he was shocked to find the large critter.

Olly Hurst / ABC Perth

The huge huntsman spider was chilling inside his ear defender and he gave it a little shake in an attempt to get rid of the critter.


“I absolutely knew I could feel something tickling my ear. Hmmm, nasty,” he said in a video posted by ABC Perth.

“It doesn’t want to come out. He’s happy in there.”

The terrifying video ended with Olly dropping his earmuffs on the ground as the spider refused to leave.

Olly Hurst / ABC Perth

One person commented on the video: “I am amazed that you didn’t have a heart attack when you saw what had been tickling your ear.”


Another wrote: “Oh my lordy… I’d scream then throw them and run far far away.”

Someone else said: “OMG. Some of them look a bit hairier than that. Sorry but if it’s got more tha 2 legs ,it’s gotta go. We have our house sprayed every year for all those creepy crawlies!”

Olly Hurst / ABC Perth

Another person added: “No no and nope…..not ever wearing headphones like that again….nar narda nope no way!”


Hunstman spiders, also called giant crab spiders, are not known to cause harm to humans despite their scary appearance. But its bite can be very painful and lead to local swelling.

Aside from Australia, huntsman spiders can also be found in parts of Asia and the US, especially in subtropical areas of Texas, California, and Florida, and coastal areas of South Carolina and Georgia.


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