Categories: Healthlife

Elderly Man Passed Away In Hospital After He Was Left On A Trolley For Six Hours

An elderly man has passed away in the hospital where he was left on a trolley for six long hours despite having an emergency.


84-year-old Donald Driver was rushed to the ER after suffering severe stomach pain. Rather than being tended to, the pensioner was left in a queue of trolleys for six long hours before it was his time to be treated.

Emma Driver

Sadly, while waiting for life-saving treatment, the man passed away in the presence of his daughter, Emma.


According to the heartbroken daughter, it took paramedics over two hours to take her father to the staff inside the hospital. Then, he was allegedly placed in a queue of 40 trolleys whereas nurses refused to listen to Emma’s pleas for help.

Emma Driver

“It seemed to be a case of, ‘We know best,’” the upset UK-based daughter, who used to work as a nurse, said after her father’s passing.


“I have lost my father due to the NHS failing and there is nothing that can bring him back. I showed one nurse a picture of Dad’s stomach when he had the episode last year. I must have spoken to six of them in total.

“I knew he needed to be seen but they weren’t listening. Nobody looked at him, no pain relief was given. It was horrific.”

Emma Driver

Ms. Driver used to work as a nurse for 12 years before taking a break from the job in order to be able to care for her father.


As she added, her father didn’t get any attention from the staff until he fell off the trolley and started vomiting.

“The nurses helped get him back on the trolley but as he lay down and I saw his face, I knew he was gone,” she claimed.


“The nurses shouted ‘resus’ and he was taken away, but after three attempts to revive him I asked them to stop.


“My dad was my world. Although he was elderly, he wasn’t dying. I believe had my father been prioritized, or I had been listened to and taken seriously, then my father would still be here.”

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