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Maggie Haney, Former Olympian Gymnastics Coach, Suspended for Verbal And Emotional Abuse To Proteges

New Jersey based gymnastics coach Maggie Haney has been suspended by the USA gymnastics (USAG), who was the coach for the Olympic champion Laurie Hernandez.


The allegations that led to the decision was 8 years of alleged verbal and emotional abuse against her pupils. The confirmation of the decision was reported to the media after the Orange County Register’s breakthrough headlines on Wednesday. According to sources, the USAG had held a relative hearing on the topic of Maggie Haney and the verification process to the charges made. The independent panel under USAG has “found that Ms. Haney violated the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethical Conduct, Safe Sport Policy, and other policies. As a result, the hearing panel determined that Ms. Haney is suspended from membership, and any coaching of USA Gymnastics athletes or in member clubs, for a period of eight years…”

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According to the Orange County Register’s reports, several athletes came out on February after the hearings were convened on these charges, with the claims that Haney had tortured them with bullying and verbal harassment, specific cases including making them compete or train while they were still injured from previous practices or matches.point 406 |


Laurie Hernandez, the Olympian herself, has made these claims also, according to the Register’s report.point 95 | She has left Haney’s coaching after the 2016 Rio Olympics, in which she garnered team gold and individual silver.point 196 | Russel Prince, the advocate attorney for the disgraced coach said on an interview with The New York Times said that they have absolutely every reasons to defy the decision made by the independent panel members, saying:  “We don’t think that it in any way, shape or form evaluated all of the facts of the circumstances,” Prince said.point 491 |


“The process is completely heavy-handed.point 42 | I would anticipate an arbitration.point 72 | point 79 | 1

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ⓒ Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

The suspension, in effect, strips Haney of any further career path regarding coaching in gymnastics, as she won’t be able to coach any athletes, nor at member clubs for the duration of 8 years, with the possibility of appeal.point 401 |


If she bears out the 8 years, a reinstatement can be made afterwards, according to USAG guidelines.point 83 | 1

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ⓒ Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Laurie Hernandez wrote this in her Instagram post after the hearing, not specifying the subject of her roast: “This kind of behavior and treatment is never okay,” she wrote.point 364 |


“There are some things from my experience that will unfortunately stick with me forever, and I’ll always be working to heal from it — but sharing my story gives me a chance to close the chapter, take a breath, and start something new.point 210 |


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