Categories: Quiz

Logic Test: Which Person Is MORE FOOLISH?

It’s time to harness your inner brainpower!


If you are in the mood for a brainy workout, well, you are in the right place as we have prepared a riddle for you to solve that will certainly test your logical skills!

As humans, logic makes us more sober-minded. It also allows us to solve any difficulties we encounter more easily.


But in order for our logic to stay sharp as we need it to be, it requires frequent use.

So, why not start practicing your logic today try to solve this simple logic puzzle.

The visual riddle, which was created and initially posted on the Fabiosa website, has left the internet confused.


The image features two men ingesting different foods. But one of them is taking the edibles wrong and is definitely foolish in doing so.

The question is, who is more foolish? The man on the left? Or the man on the right?

Are you ready? Buckle up and let’s go!


Take a careful look at the visual puzzle and try to think logically and determine who is more foolish of these two characters.

Is it the guy who is trying to treat his gastritis with natural remedies or the boy who ate a bar of expired chocolate?

Courtesy of Fabiosa











Remember to take all the time you need.

Use your logical thinking to solve the visual riddle.











Ready for the answer reveal? Scroll down!









The Answer

The more foolish person is the guy who is treating a medical condition with natural remedies!


With today’s technology and easy access to medical consultations, natural remedies are becoming questionable with regards to their efficiency to treat serious medical conditions such as gastritis.

Moreover, one can eat expired chocolate by mistake, especially if someone shared it with you or the box with the expiration date was missing.

Courtesy of Fabiosa

Did you get the answer correctly? Let us know in the comments!

A friendly reminder: don’t forget to train your logical thinking so that you are ready for everything life may challenge you with.


Consume only fresh products and treat any serious diseases by consulting your physician!

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