Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Logic Head-Scratcher: How Fast Can You Find The Answer?

It’s time to check your attentiveness and we want you to take out a few moments to answer this question that’s creating a stir online.


Today’s modern person has so much information available to choose from. No matter what the direction may be, it’s always so important to keep your volumes of information heading in the right direction. This way, your mind, body, and soul stay active, similar to your memory, attention, and perception.

Source: Addicted 2 Success

Yes, puzzle-solving is no longer looked down upon as mere entertainment boosers. Therefore, we feel you need to get on board with some regular training that’s great for this purpose. And now, we’re offering you one of those.


This IQ-based test puzzle has your name written all over it. Look at the figure shown below and take out the time to count those squares. All you need to remember is that time is of the essence and that’s why we feel very few manage to pull through, except those IQ experts of course.

Source: Happify

If your visual perception, IQ, and attention are all right, you should find the answer in seconds. But hey, getting things right should be your ultimate goal as compared to rushing forward. Don’t you agree?


The mind-teasing IQ test

point 21 |
Source: Briddles

This attention-building puzzle is definitely more than meets the eye and it’s no wonder why so many people are struggling with the answer.point 258 |


Do you think you can do it with ease or not? Well, there’s just one way to figure that out.point 78 | Let’s take a look at the graphic shown below, get those timers ticking in the right direction, and then go on from there.point 183 | Do you agree?point 194 | 1

The right answer

Are you ready for the right answer? We sure do hope so! Good luck!

Source: Amazon.com

The right answer is Tank F!

Was your answer similar to our solution? Do you think you managed to score correctly in the given time limit? In case you answered yes to both these questions, you’re a true genius!