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Man On Safari Trip Risked His Arm After Trying To Stroke A Lion

A safari tourist experienced the ‘roar of death’ when he tried to pet a lion out of his jeep’s window.


The shocking footage is spreading over the internet like a wildfire, and the man is facing criticism over his act.

The male lion, in return, turns around and gives out an enormous roar prompting the tourists to slam the window shut.


Naas Smit, South African safari Ranger said only those who have worked in the wild knows the speed of the wild cats. He said that the lion could have torn the man’s arm off his shoulder or worse, he could have pulled out the man straight out the window and killed him. He said that it was incredibly stupid of him to do such kind of acts.


He said you are watching one of the biggest cats in the world in its natural habitat; it could have easily clinched through the window and killed everybody inside. Wild animals should be treated with respect, you don’t own them nor are they going to admire you as you do.


The ranger said that if the lion had killed the man, the management would probably order them to kill the lion. It was the pride male, and there would have been some serious consequences if he had killed that man.

He said that people like these deserve these kinds of experiences for the things they do because they are clearly instructed to behave during the safari.


He was upset with the fact that if something bad happens to humans, everything is blamed on the wild animal and the authorities have to put the animal to rest.

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