Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Let’s See How Quick You Can Figure Out The Difference!

Without a doubt, picture puzzles are truly an entertaining affair.


With that being said, some are definitely a tad more difficult than others. And we believe this next feature in our article might be the perfect example of the notion.

We wouldn’t call this riddle challenging but it’s definitely one of those that require due concentration and stellar vision with intricate focus on detail too. If you happen to take pride in yourself for possessing all of those qualities, then why don’t you give it your best shot and see how well you stand when compared to others in the room.

Source: leadership

All we’re asking you to do is solve this puzzle in the shortest time duration possible and be sure to mention your answer with the time in our comments section. We’d love to see how our talented and eagle-eye viewers do in the end!


Scroll down below and give it your best try! Happy searching!

Source: Freepik

The tricky picture puzzle

Are you ready to wake up your mind and see where you stand in a crowd full of people? We sure do hope so. In the image shown below, there’s a challenge that’s actually tougher than most people anticipated. But we’re asking you to figure it out in less than 10 seconds.

point 0 |
Source: Wakeupyourmind

The puzzle is designated to stand at level 3 difficulty so if you’ve managed to do it with ease, you definitely deserve a pat on your back for the efforts at hand.point 259 |


So, have you found it yet? Come on, you got this! Zoom in, there’s definitely a very visible difference that has been disguised by the illustrators.point 129 | Remember, once you see it, there’s no turning back.point 178 | 1

Ther correct answer

Source: National Geographic

You’ve finally come to the end of the challenge and that means one thing! It’s time for the ultimate reveal. The right answer is the holly leaves on the ground. The second picture has a smaller holly than the first one.