Categories: lifenews

Lawmakers Proposed A Bill To Ban Schools From Using Native American Mascots And Logos

Lawmakers in Illinois have proposed a bill to ban schools from using controversial Native American mascots unless the institutions adhere to strict requirements.


While some educational establishments had long been resorting to Native American-inspired mascots such as Chief Illiniwek of the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, the “insensitive” representations could be banned if the bill introduced by two House representatives passes.

Chief Illiniwek – Jonathan Daniel – Getty Images

According to CNN, schools would be prohibited from using not only mascots but also imagery and logos related to or representing Native American culture.

Chief Illiniwek – AP – Seth Perlman

While the ban would concern all educational institutions, exemptions would be allowed provided that the school obtains written approval by a local Native American tribe every 5 years.

Credit – Erin Hooley – Chicago Tribune – TNS

In addition, the school using a Native American mascot or logos would also be required to provide students with Native American culture programs and a course about their contributions. The institution would also be required to file an annual report about its programs to the authorities.

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Credit – Erin Hooley – Chicago Tribune – TNS

“Sports logos and mascots should not be used to caricaturize and misrepresent cultures.point 231 |


If the legitimate intent of a school is to honor local Native Americans, this measure provides the opportunity to secure approval from a nearby tribe,” said State Rep.point 142 | Maurice West as he introduced the bill.point 175 | 1

“There are logos and caricatures that have been used through the course of sports history that should have never existed and deserve to be left in the past.

Florida State University – Chief Osceola and Renegade – Wikimedia Commons

“This legislation is an opportunity to ensure we are teaching our children how to properly respect the heritage and culture of Native Americans we draw inspiration from.”


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