Categories: life

Kuwait Infant Diagnosed With Face Tumor Got it Removed Successfully Through Surgery

There are different types of deformities that are found in kids, one such rare deformity is face tumor wherein the faces suffer some bizarre changes.


Recently, a child in Kuwait was diagnosed with a facial tumor. She had her facial tumor growth removed.


One-year-old Noor Nunez was born with a small scratch between her eyebrows that didn’t make her parents suspect about anything. For the next several months, the scratch started to darken and grow exponentially.


The scratch started to cover Noor’s left eye as well. The parents were alarmed, and they soon visited the doctor to get her diagnosed.


After a thorough diagnosis, Noor was detected with hemangioma, a benign tumor that is largely witnessed in infants. No treatment was working on Noor, and no medication was were effective.


The parents started to research on their own, which led them to a birthmark website where they contacted a head and neck surgeon who told that with the help of surgery, Noor’s condition could be made better.


Noor’s mother said that when Noor was born, the birthmark was barely visible, nobody noticed it until it started to spread all across her face.


Hemangioma is a rare condition wherein the blood vessels start to gather under the skin and create bump leading to discomfort, irritation, and often severe pain.


It generally starts with a small mark and gradually grows into a lump and bumps out of the skin. Hemangioma is the most common tumor in the children, and it occurs in infants, especially.


When the parents consulted the doctors in Kuwait, they said it would get better on its own, but each day it got worse that made the parents more worried.


With the help of a surgery, Noor got her lump removed, and now there is only red scratch left.

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