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This Kitty Didn’t Like How The Medicine In His Food Smelled So He Hilariously Tried To Bury It


Watch the cute video below.


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You must’ve remembered a time when your parents had to beg, cajole, and even force you to eat fruits and vegetables. They were good for you but to a toddler, they’re not exactly the most appetizing food out there. The same could even be said of some of the medicines we were given when we were sick because some of those concoctions tasted horrible, so much so that even the memory of them is enough to send our stomach churning today.


It turns out that animals are not immune to such reactions as can be seen in this adorable video of a cat who didn’t fancy the food that he was given.


It appears that the cat had been diagnosed with feline infectious peritonitis two weeks ago. It’s a serious disease but it appears that the cat has been responding well to the treatment. However, the same treatment regimen required the owner to add supplements to his food for his kidney.


Unfortunately, those supplements apparently did not smell appealing enough and the cat took a sniff and then decided to try burying the food instead even if he was eating on top of a blanket! That cat’s instinctive reaction was hilarious enough to take a video of for sure because we can imagine ourselves making a similar reaction if we’re faced with something unsavory.


That’s because our sense of smell plays a huge role in how well our food tastes. In fact, the smell of good food, like when we smell bacon, can, in fact, already make us salivate with anticipation. And digestion actually begins in our mouths and the release of saliva is our body anticipating the food that the saliva will start to break down.


Have you noticed that if you have a cold and can’t breathe too well through your nose you also can’t taste food that well?


Now imagine a cat that has an even more sensitive sense of smell than humans and you can pretty much understand why the poor kitty reacted the way he did. At least we can be reasoned with to just bite the bullet and drink our medicines because we know they’re necessary but the cat’s owner will need to think of a more creative way to get those supplements in!