Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Kind Man Makes a Winter Shelter Out of Discarded Coolers For The Stray Cats

Stray animals face a lot of problems in their daily lives and especially during winters when the temperatures drop down, and they have no place to go to.


The homeless animals roam around, trying to find a cozy and warm place for themselves.

Thankfully there are kind humans out there who are trying their best to make sure that the stray animals stay safe and warm during such times.


Recently, a man named Philip Rogich from Utah made shelters for the stray cats with the discarded coolers. The man turned the coolers into a warm and cozy place for the cats to sleep nicely during the cold winter nights.


The man said that he first saw a post on Facebook about other men making them, so he thought of giving it a try for the cats. The man further said that he loves doing charity work and because he and his wife are animal lovers, that are why they wanted to give it a try.


The coolers keep the things cold, but they made it in a way that it would stay warm for the animals. It is a kind thing that people do for animals to keep them safe during the cold nights.


The animals need help from humans to make them feel safe around at such times. It’s tough out there for the stray animals as they do not have any permanent home to go to, and they have to find different homes every night.


The kind-hearted humans are trying their best to give them shelter and safer places to stay in so that they don’t have to wander around looking for homes to stay in.


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