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Kind Driver Stopped In The Middle Of A Busy Highway To Rescue A Kitten

VK / Safe City Kaliningrad

Watch the video of the rescue below.


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Video credit: Rumble

Animals meeting sad and unfortunate ends on busy roads are not really new. Whether it’s a frog that hopped onto the road at the wrong time to a dog that jumped the fence and decided to cross at the wrong time, it’s just one of those things that no one wants but just happens.


Most of the time, the drivers are not really at fault. Some of the animals getting run over are sometimes too small to be noticed especially at night or during inclement weather. Others, such as in the case of deer or moose, sometimes just appear out of nowhere and the driver doesn’t have any time to brake or swerve away.

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VK / Safe City Kaliningrad

And some drivers, even if they want to save a poor animal from becoming roadkill can’t always do so for safety reasons.point 226 |


For instance, they could be on a busy highway in the middle lane and just stopping suddenly could cause a big accident.point 98 | Most of these drivers will just try to swerve to avoid running over an animal but the poor creature’s fate in such a situation is pretty much sealed.point 226 | 1


However, one abandoned kitten managed to avoid such a sad fate thanks to a kind driver who actually stopped and rescued it.

A CCTV camera was overlooking a busy highway in Kaliningrad, Russia, and in the middle of the road was a black kitten that was curled up and frightened by all the vehicles passing by. Even though we know that the kitty will eventually be rescued, the footage is still harrowing to watch.


Two SUVs narrowly missed the poor kitten, perhaps centimeters away from crushing it. One truck driver even swerved his vehicle to avoid running over the kitty. Finally, a black Peugeot appears on the screen, slows down, and stops. By this time, the kitten had already managed to crawls its way nearer to the side of the road although still very much in danger.

VK / Safe City Kaliningrad

The man gets down, picks up the kitty, and once he determined the kitten was safe and alive, brings the animal back to his car.


Russian media tracked down the driver who they managed to identify as 43-year-old Denis Degtyarev.

Degtyarev recounted what happened after he rescued the kitten, saying, “The kitten turned out very small, not even able to eat, so I took him to the sports school, where my children were, and with the help of good people, we found him a new home.”


Bravo to this man who saved a kitten from the sad fate of becoming just another roadkill!



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