Categories: Family

Mother Proudly Shared Picture Of Her Daughters Holding Hands While Praying Before The Meal

Sometimes our


children can really impress us and these kids have certainly impressed not only their mother, but the world, too!

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Our children are always learning from us, from the big things like how to be safe to even the smallest little things, like how we act when we’re upset. They’re bright little minds and they can often times surprise parents with how perceptive they are.

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The proud parents of these 3 daughters.point 133 | Image via Fox17

Rutha Andrew took a special amount of care to teach her daughters to always pray before eating.point 293 |


It’s a small gesture to truly appreciate what you have and be thankful for the joys you have.point 82 | Of course, children are not always huge fans of doing the “less interesting” things, like prayer or brushing their teeth when their parents aren’t around.point 267 |


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It may not seem like it, but prayer before eating is a really important gesture. It’s taking the time to be thankful for everything you have, your health, your loved ones and everything around you that makes your life enjoyable and happy. Sadly, prayer isn’t as popular as it once was as people are more fast paced than ever.


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Rutha stepped away from the picnic table where she just served her three daughters, Oriana, Grace and Alexis, to fetch some milk for to go with their meals. When she turned around, she was stunned to see the three of them praying together over their meals.


Imagine her surprise to see her daughters praying like she always taught them! She was so happy that she ended up snapping a picture of it and sharing it with the world.


The picture quickly viral as it touched the hearts of everyone who saw it. It’s amazing to see the next generation respect a long standing and important tradition.

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What do you think? Do you think prayer is important? Be sure to tell us below!


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