Categories: Healthlife

If Your Kid Is Unvaccinated, This Is Big News For You

Vaccinations are not just important for a healthy life but it is necessary for humankind.


The vaccinations not only protects a person from falling sick to dangerous viruses but it also ensures that the virus is not spread from one person to another.

The vaccinations are given to a person as a kid to protect them since the very start. While there are a few vaccinations that are considered to be mandatory, there are others that you may have choices with.


With a moment going on for quite a long time now, people are avoiding getting vaccinations. The anti-vaccination moment rose to height and people started believing that vaccinations make the child autistic and retarded in many cases.


To prove it is wrong, many scientists have even taken up action but the harm was already done.

Now to protect others, authorities have decided to keep unvaccinated kids out of the public places or where they can come in contact and make others sick.


While this was a proposition authorities were thinking about but now New York County has banned these kids.


Yes, New York County has put a ban that will protect unvaccinated kids from entering into public places like schools, playgrounds, church, malls, etc.


The step has been taken in order to force parents to get their child vaccinated and to protect others from catching the diseases.

Measles is spreading like a wildfire in the county and it has been announced as a state of emergency.

Because of the same, the kids who have not taken the vaccination that is must to protect them and people around them from the sickness will be restricted from entering the public areas.


153 cases of measles were found alone in Rockland County.

Ed Day, County Executive in a statement said “It is the time of a medical crisis and we cannot let our kids fall into the risk. I and my team are not going to sit unmoved. We will make all the attempts to protect the kids.”


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