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Kevin Spacey Sued by Alleged Victim Over Sexual Behavior

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The 59-year-old American actor, Kevin Spacey, has been accused of sexual assault once again. He is known for his roles in many movies such as Baby Driver, Superman Returns and more recently in series, House of Cards.


Spacey has been accused of sexual misconduct previously as well. In October 2017, he was alleged of making a sexual advancement towards actor Anthony Rapp when he was merely 14 years old. Not just Rapp, many other men consequently came forward and accused Spacey of the same.


Heather Unruh, an anchorwoman, charged Spacey with indecent assault and battery in December 2018. Under the charges pressed, Spacey had sexually assaulted her 18-year-old son. Reportedly, Spacey groped the teenage boy.


His career took a severe blow due to these allegations. He was dropped from the Netflix series’ House of Cards’ and was forced to shelf his movie ‘Gore.’ He was also replaced from the film ‘All the Money in the world.’


He was not alone in the list to get engulfed in accusations during the #MeToo Movement which sparked after allegations of sexual misconduct against Harvey Weinstein, a movie producer in 2017. Many other people from the entertainment industry were caught up in the same storm.


Recently, another man has come up with the same accusation against Spacey. He has sued Spacey for his explicit sexual behavior and lascivious and lewd conduct.


He states that three years ago, Spacey had sexually misconducted him at a bar situated on Massachusetts beach island. The accuser says he was 18 years old when Spacey bought him multiple alcoholic drinks.


He states that Spacey even mentioned to him about getting drunk together. The accuser alleges that Spacey groped his genitals in a Nantucket Club Car Restaurant back in July 2016.

Spacey had apologized to Rapp about his misbehavior. But this time, he is denying the allegations and pleads not guilty.


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