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Kayakers Paddle Through A Stunning Vista Of Glowing Blue Water


The extent that modern technology has weaved its way into the very fabric of our daily lives is astounding.


Smartphones are taken for granted now but before the turn of the century, they were devices that were only thought possible in Star Trek and other sci-fi shows.

However, as we live our lives surrounded by technology and so-called “civilization,” it’s often easy to miss the beauty that is Mother Nature when it’s unsullied by human hands or only bear minimal marks of human presence. Sadly, there are fewer and fewer places where this holds true and we are collectively poorer for it especially with all the dangers posed by climate change.


Watch this magical place created by Mother Nature below.

[rumble video_id=v5lnyy domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Yet there are still magical places that one can find that offer a stunning look into nature in its raw beauty. And the nice thing is, some of these places are not that inaccessible if one knows where to look. A particular lagoon in Titusville, Florida, is one such place, especially after a group of kayakers, stumbled upon a mesmerizing vista of glowing blue water that they reverently paddled through.


The glowing blue is caused by rare bio-luminescent plankton that activates the glow as a defense mechanism when the water is disturbed by currents or waves. But the result is an absolutely magical phenomenon that will leave you open-mouthed. But this phenomenon can only happen at night and the kayakers were lucky enough to be there when it happened.


Justin Buzzi, 28, happened to be visiting the lagoon when he encountered the phenomenon.

Justin said: “I never get bored, it’s always something different. We have dolphins and fish that swim around in the water and other marine life.


“When they swim the water lights up because any movement activates it.

“People are really surprised and amazed by it when they are able to see it light up on their first time.”

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The planktons go by the scientific name Noctiluca scintillans and are also called sea sparkle.point 351 |


During the daytime, the phenomenon manifests as a “red tide” as the water turns deep red, brown, or orange.point 101 | The lagoon where Justin encountered the phenomenon is one of the few places in the world where this display can be witnessed.point 205 |


Not only that, you can only catch this during summer, ideally on a clear night with little or no moonlight.point 88 | 1

Justin added: “There are only a couple places in the world where it’s predictable and you can see the brightness of the water.


“I remember kayaking when I was growing up and I just really enjoyed it. I liked doing anything outdoors.”

