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Justice Department Is Deliberating Not Charging 800 Capitol Rioters Involved In The Insurrection

©Roberto Schmidt - AFP via Getty Images

Hundreds of Capitol Hill rioters could be forgiven for their actions as Justice Department is deliberating not charging up to 800 MAGA rioters.


According to the reports, the prosecutors and the FBI are currently considering not charging hundreds of rioters who stormed the Capitol building on January 6.


As The Washington Post reported, no final decision on the matter has yet been made. However, rioters who were not directly involved in vandalism or violence could be spared trespassing charges because they were simply “going along with the crowd.”


According to the publication, the discussion is still in its early stages, whereas officials are concerned that charging hundreds of rioters would overload the Washington DC federal courthouse.


Meanwhile, according to the Post, the FBI and the DOJ are also aware that not charging the rioters could send a wrong message – that political violence shall not be treated as unlawful – to the public.


“There is absolute resolve from the Department of Justice to hold all who intentionally engaged in criminal acts at the Capitol accountable,” a spokesperson for the Justice Department told The Washington Post.

©Zuma Press – eyevine

“We have consistently made clear that we will follow the facts and evidence and charge individuals accordingly.


“We remain confident that the US District Court for Washington, DC can appropriately handle the docket related to any resulting charges.”

©Jose Luis Magana – Associated Press

As the DOJ made it clear, the authorities remain firm when it comes to holding people who coordinated the assault and engaged in violence at the Capitol Hill accountable.

©Roberto Schmidt – AFP via Getty Images

In addition, the prosecutors are working on establishing seditious conspiracy charges against those who planned the January 6 attack on the Capitol.


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