Categories: Entertainmentlife

Actor Josh Brolin Tried The Viral “Bum Sunning” Pose And Ended Up With A Sunburn Instead


Instagram influencer Metaphysical Meagan went viral for her “perineum sunning” photo.


As it turns out, actor Josh Brolin decided to try it out and has now come out to warn against practicing the technique after the trick left his behind “crazy burned.”

According to Meagan, the technique provides her “surges of energy” and gives her “better sleep.” But Brolin went on Instagram to rile against the technique.


He shared the original viral photo then wrote: “Tried this perineum sunning that I’ve been hearing about and my suggestion is DO NOT do it as long as I did.


“My pucker hole is crazy burned and I was going to spend the day shopping with my family and instead I’m icing and using aloe and burn creams because of the severity of the pain.

“I don’t know who the f*** thought of this stupid s*** but f*** you nonetheless. Seriously.”


According to Meagan, the technique is an ancient Taoist practice from “the Far East.”

She explained: “In Taoism, the perineum or Hui Yin is called the ‘Gate of Life and Death’.

“This is a gateway where energy enters and exits the body.”


Meagan added that only a few minutes are needed to get “almost immediate” surges of energy, so much so that she says it’s “truly more energizing than slamming cups of coffee.”


After her first post got such a huge reaction, she followed up with a second one detailing more “benefits” such as “increasing creativity” and helping “balance sexual energy.”

She did say that you should only sun your behind for a minimum of 30 seconds but not exceeding five minutes since “the intention is not to tan your butthole.” She continued by saying that the “ideal” time for doing the pose is between 7 am and 9 am.


It’s not clear if Brolin was aware of Meagan’s second post that listed down those precautions but either way, it didn’t turn out as expected for him.

Aside from Brolin, US-based gynecologist Dr. Jennifer Gunter also advised against performing the pose.


She wrote on Twitter: “I feel confident when I say the anus and perineum have no special sunlight concentrating abilities. You can get melanoma on the vulva and sunburns there are very painful.”

