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Lockdown Life Of The Irwin Family To Be Shown In A Special Episode of “Crikey! It’s The Irwins”

The global pandemic has forced people to stay at home with their family in order to curb the spread of the virus.


For the Irwin family, this means that they got to spend more time with their animals at their Australia Zoo.

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This rather peculiar lockdown life will be told in “Crikey! It’s the Irwins: Life in Lockdown” – a special programming of the usual TV show that is shown on Animal Planet.


In it, Terri Irwin, the matriarch of the family and wife of the late Steve Irwin, acknowledged how handling an unexpected and serious consequence like Covid-19 is a challenge for everyone, including their family.

Terri explained the unique challenge that a zoo like theirs faces during a pandemic. Because the animals still need to be fed and taken care of, everyone still has to do their work for the 1,200 animals despite not generating any revenue.

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Terri expressed her great gratitude for the 200 staff members who continued to show up to their works to cater to the animals despite the zoo not being able to pay them without any guests.


The Irwin family recently expanded after the 21 year old Bindi married Chandler Powell in March. They were married in the zoo but were unable to invite any guests due to the pandemic.

Bindi said that forming a family in one of the most confusing and busiest times of her life has definitely helped her cope with the situation. She said that she was thankful that she had shoulders she can lean on in these times, and said that there was a great sense of achievement in times of hardship.

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The special pandemic episode will feature the aftermaths of the marriage between Chandler and Bindi, including how they had to cancel their honeymoon trip. The couple is shown going straight back to work after their marriage.


Robert, who has taken on his father’s legacy, talked about how the pandemic has bonded the family closer. He also teased how there will be a scene in which he gets a snakebite on his face, asking viewers to tune in and see what happened.

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