Categories: Funlife

Jimmy Kimmel Asks If Homo Sapiens Are Worth Saving, Answers People Gave Are Hilarious!

‘Are Homo sapiens worth saving?’ The Jimmy Kimmel Show took to the streets and asked people.


For clarification, the term Homo sapiens means humans. While some people gave hilarious answers, others provided scary ones. It is simply assumed these individuals have no idea what the term is.

Let Homo Sapiens Die

Jimmy Kimmel

When asked if Homo sapiens are worth saving, this woman said they should die. She was also more concerned about saving humans without realizing they are the same thing!


Homo Sapiens At The Zoo

Jimmy Kimmel

When asked if she had seen Homo sapiens before, this woman said she had seen one at the zoo. She then said that they looked big, furry, and gorilla-looking. She also said that one was picking its ‘what-a-dilly!’


They Are Going Extinct

This woman, when asked whether Homo sapiens are worth saving, said if they are going extinct, it doesn’t really matter to her. If only she understood what she was talking about, perhaps she would care a little bit.


Not Worth Saving

When asked whether Homo sapiens are worth saving with tax dollars, this woman gave a big no. Tax dollars are probably spent to assist Homo sapiens in need.


Don’t Let Homo Sapiens Become Like Dinosaurs

This man answered yes when asked if Homo sapiens were worth saving. When asked why, he said many animals extinct today were incredible before. When asked again if he was trying to imply not to let Homo sapiens become like dinosaurs, he said kind of, which means he doesn’t really know what he is talking about.


Separate Homo Sapiens From Us

This guy said we need to find the best way to coexist with Homo sapiens by separating them from us. Well, that technique has been tried numerous times and it never worked out!


Save Homo Sapiens With $50

Others didn’t care but this man was willing to save Homo sapiens. When asked if he would be willing to give up something for them, he said he would give $50!


What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this hilarious post with your family and friends!