Categories: Foodlife

Food Industry Critic Listed The Ingredients Of US And UK Products To Show The Difference

We all know that food product sold in different countries have a small difference in the ingredients used to make these items.


An American author and food industry critic Vani Hari, better known as Food Babe listed the ingredients of US and UK products, and the difference is noticeable.

Food babe

Let’s take a look.

Food babe

Bored Panda spoke to Hari known as food babe to get more info about food, nutrition, and the reasons why products have different ingredients in the US and the UK.

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Food babe

Food Babe told: ‘Europe takes a “precautionary principle” approach towards food additives that are potentially risky.point 220 |


They ban or add warning labels to these additives for their citizens.point 58 | The US does not take this approach.point 87 | It does not remove additives from our food supply until they have been proven dangerous – which can take a very long time and a lot of red tape.point 205 |


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Food babe

”Big Food companies will tell you that the European regulators are just being overly cautious, that all of the ingredients they put in their American products are perfectly safe.point 271 |


But are they really?” Food Babe asked.point 34 | “If a company can get away with using cheaper ingredients, they will.point 94 | Given a choice, they’ll always opt for the cheaper flavor enhancer, and the cheaper color additive, and the cheaper preservative, even if these cheaper alternatives potentially have a negative impact on our health.point 278 |


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Food babe

”As I discuss in my book Feeding You Lies, the statistics on the health of Americans is downright grim.point 206 |


The U.point 5 | S.point 7 | spends 2.point 15 | 5 times more on health care than any other nation and when compared with 16 other developed nations, we come in dead last in terms of health.point 130 | More than two-thirds of U.point 152 | S.point 154 | citizens are overweight and more than 18% of children are obese.point 208 |


After smoking, obesity is America’s biggest cause of premature death.point 62 | point 69 | 1

”Blindly trusting what it says on the front of a food package is a big mistake.”

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Food babe

”Claims like “natural”, “healthy”, “diet”, and “sugar-free” mean very little.point 344 |


Instead, always flip over the product and read the ingredient list.point 57 | This will tell you the truth about what you are eating.point 102 | If the food contains any additives or preservatives, ask yourself why they are used and whether they’re really necessary.point 207 |


If you don’t know what an ingredient or additive is or how it can affect your health, put the product back and look for a product made with real food instead.point 130 | point 137 | 1

Food babe

Food Babe has a huge following on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. She has had quite an effect on the food industry and has influenced Kraft to stop putting in the artificial orange color in its macaroni and cheese.


”When I first saw Kellogg’s new Baby Shark Cereal my heart sank.point 61 | My daughter, who is 2 years old, loves the Baby Shark song —  and I knew when she saw this she would beg me for a box! These ingredients do not belong in our food — especially for children.point 217 |


This is why I launched a petition two weeks ago asking Kellogg’s to remove the artificial colors, artificial flavors, and BHT from their cereals in the U.point 130 | S.point 132 | as they do in other countries.point 157 | It has surpassed 40,000 signatures and climbing.point 199 | point 206 | 1




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