Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t Spot The Mistake In This Image! But Can You Find The Error?

©7-Second Riddles

Visual puzzles and brain teasers are a great way to exercise your mind and give your eyes a proper workout.


Welcome back to our page – we hope you’re ready for another mind-blowing challenge that has taken the internet by storm.

In the picture puzzle below, you will see a peaceful neighborhood. But if you focus on the details, you might just spot a big error! Let’s get started.

©7-Second Riddles

In the image, you can see two buildings beneath the night sky and a bunch of tall trees in front. One can also spot several street lamps and a range of skyscrapers in the background.


But where is the big mistake that you were asked to find? Is it somewhere close to the ground or perhaps way up in the sky?

Take another close look at the picture before scrolling down to reveal the solution.

Source – Pixabay

Still looking for that error, aren’t you? Here’s a hint to help you solve the mystery once and for all. Look closely at the night sky and you might just find your luck!


In the distance, you can see planet Earth in the place of our Moon. Unless this image shows a human settlement on the Moon, that’s quite a big error!

©7-Second Riddles

How long did it take you to spot the error?


Here’s another quick brain teaser to help you train your eyes and bring your observation skills to the next level.

©7-Second Riddles

In the picture above, you can see a lady in a yellow dress shopping for veggies and fruits at a market in her town.


Though nothing looks wrong at the first glance, there is a massive mistake hiding somewhere in the picture. In fact, there are two errors to watch out for! Find them now.

Once you’re done, feel free to verify your answer below!

©7-Second Riddles

Did you like these visual brain teasers? Which one was harder? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!