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The First Thing You See In These Optical Illusions Tells You A Lot About Yourself



There are many types of personality tests you can take online and offline, and some of these test involve optical illusions.

When you see something, the information is seen by the eye and processed by the brain, but optical illusions can often have very different interpretation among different people.


In optical illusions there are three types, the first is literal optical illusions that create images different from the objects that make them, second is cognitive illusions, which are the result of unconscious inferences, and third is physiological illusions, caused by excessive stimulation of some type or another.


There are five illusions below which will include all of the types of optical illusion, and what you see first in them will tell you a lot about your personality, maybe a part of you that you didn’t know about.


Test #1



What was the first thing you saw?

If you are a woman and saw the man’s face first. This may mean that you have a high sex drive or are more interested in finding a romantic partner right now.

If you already have a partner, it’s probably a sign that you are deeply connected with him, you often think of him first and everything is going the way you want it to be.


If you are a man and saw the man’s face first. This may mean you are concerned about interpersonal relationships with other men, whether it’s someone at work, at the gym, or a close friend.

If you are a woman and you saw the woman’s face first. This may mean you feel comfortable about yourself and you feel very confident in your life.


If you are a man and saw the woman’s face first. This may be an indication that you are looking for a partner to share your life with. You might be looking a little too hard so you may need to give yourself some time and go steady.


Test #2



What was the first thing you saw?

Faces. This means that you probably have people on your mind a lot of the time.

You tend to be much more extroverted than most. You are very sociable which means you love surrounding yourself with people.

You tend to be influenced easily by others as well as external energy and environment around you.


This means that it’s important for you to surround yourself with good, positive, supportive people.

Candlestick. This means that you tend to be more introverted, that you aren’t really thinking about other people but more about yourself and your own thoughts.


You enjoy being home more than going out and find yourself comfortable and confident when you’re on your own or with only a few close people.


Test #3



What was the first thing you saw?

The pillars. This means that you like comfort and security.

It may signal that you won’t achieve the big goals you want unless you’re able to step out of comfort zone.

Step outside and experience new things. It’s also a sign that you’re too focused on dreaming and not enough on working.


The men between the pillars. This means that you’re ready and prepared to move on from where you are at any time.

Your life is full of new experiences and interesting people.

You are sensitive and kind, but be careful that you don’t spend your whole life drifting. Be ready to settle down when the time comes.



Test #4


What was the first thing you saw?

A crocodile. This means that you look at the bigger picture most of the times.


You might be a bit clumsy, not looking too closely at things that don’t immediately strike you as important.

You are probably very practical and not much of a risk taker. You live a life more on the cautious side and don’t make much room for new things.


A boat. This means you pay attention to the small details and few things are able to get past you without you noticing.

You tend to be more unique, quirky, and creative than most. But be careful that you don’t get obsessed with the details and lose out on your bigger goals.



Test #5


What was the first thing you saw?

A car. This means that your freedom is important to you.

The ability to go to new places, meet new people, and experience new things is what matters the most. You usually take life at your own pace and do what comes naturally.


A man with binoculars. This means that you tend to be more analytical.

You look at the bigger picture and tend to disregard minor details. You’re usually able to learn visually and absorb information quickly. You might want to make sure you pay attention to detail more carefully.


The letter A, This means you that have an extremely focused mind.

You tend to see the little details and are a little more intuitive than other people.


Does the results fit your personality? Share your thoughts in the comments below.



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