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A Bored Husky Tried Her Best To Get Attention From Her Pig Friend Who’s Too Lazy To Get Up

Watch the cute video below.


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Video credit: Rumble

More likely than not, you must have had weekends when all you wanted to do was to lie down and snuggle under your blanket the whole day. Perhaps you had a tough week at work or don’t look forward to what you have to do for that day but the end result is the same, you want to shut the world out and be left to sleep in peace.


Which is all fine and dandy unless you have that one friend who’s just too bubbly for their own good and keeps calling or texting you to get your butt out of bed so that you can go out and have some fun. If this has happened to you, then you’ll understand how the pig in this video is feeling.


The video shows a domesticated pig who’s perfectly happy lying down on the floor and taking a nap. But this Siberian Husky who’s so small it’s obvious that she’s just a puppy is not having any of it. She wants to play and she wants someone to play with now!


She starts by standing on top of the poor big and barking at her. The pig merely responds by grunting but doesn’t otherwise move. Hilarity ensues as the puppy, who is undeterred, then proceeds to jump-push on the sleeping pig while barking the whole time. It’s obvious that she has a lot of energy to burn and if she can’t get it by running around playing catch, she’s going to use it to annoy the hell out of her lazy friend.


Finally, the pig deigns to take notice of all the racket and gets up to see what the nonsense is about. Startled by the sudden reaction, the Husky scampers away to the door and stops to see what the pig will do.


Fortunately, the pig only looks mildly annoyed and just proceeds to lumber to the other side of the room perhaps to find another comfy place to lie down where he won’t be bothered by his overenthusiastic friend!

It’s really adorable to see this type of interaction among unusual friends and catching them on video is really golden!


While the Husky may not have had her way (at least, not totally), at least everyone knows that when she wants some attention, you better give it to her!