Categories: life

Husband Left Furious After Learning His Wife Wanted To Name Their Baby After A TV Show Character

A 32-year-old woman asked her 35-year-old husband if she could name their child ‘Sawyer’ and then revealed a secret about her that left her husband furious.


The woman took to Reddit to share her story and told the couple recently found out that they were expecting a boy.

They started discussing baby names and her husband suggested a lot of names that she didn’t like.

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The woman, who fancied a TV character in the early 2000s, suggested the name of one of the characters of the show. His name was Sawyer and the woman would find him very hot.


The husband liked the name initially and they decided to name their baby ‘Sawyer’.

After a few days, when the husband and wife were talking about their baby, the husband asked his wife about the inspiration behind the name she chose for their baby.


Initially, she just said she found the name so beautiful but when her husband insisted to tell him more about it, she revealed the secret that left her husband angry.


When the wife told him it was a TV character name that she would watch in the early 2000s and the character was ‘hot’, her husband became very angry and scolded her for choosing a TV show character name instead of an actual human name.


The wife wrote: “But my husband got pretty mad. He said he was angry that I would name an actual human over a TV show character. He was also pretty mad that the only reason I liked that name is because someone hot had it.”

He also accused her of being obsessed with the TV character and not telling him the actual story when she suggested the name.


The woman defended herself saying Sawyer is a normal name and it’s not something like Naruto.


She wrote: “Sawyer is a normal name and it’s not like he’ll be bullied for it. I also said that I’m clearly not obsessed with the show or the character. I’ve watched the show a total of twice in my life and that’s it.”


The wife then accused her husband of being jealous of the TV character. He is also reconsidering the name after knowing the inspiration behind it.

The Redditors supported the woman and told her that her husband is overreacting over nothing.


Some even shared their stories of how their parents named them after their favorite TV show or movie character.



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