Categories: Familylife

Husbands Stress Their Wives More Than Their Children And The Reasons Are Pretty Serious, Studies Reveal

“I am exhausted emotionally and physically when my husband comes home.


He feels like another job.”

There is no doubt that married women experience more problems and stress than single women. With work, marriage, and parenthood, they have a huge load on their shoulders.


Stressed wives are more likely to experience anger, fatigue, and headaches. Studies show husbands make a bigger contribution to wives’ stress than children do.

#1 Husbands act like an extra child.

Men behave like children until they are around 43 years old. One of the responders during the research said: “A 7-year-old is going to be a 7-year-old. But a 35-year-old acting like a 7-year-old is more stressful because they should know better.”


Dads are perceived as an accomplice with cool ideas who allow everything while others are more concerned with issues related to death, discipline and educational development. If one parent forbids something for their child, it is important for the partner to support the decision.


#2 Household chores become overwhelming.

Many moms say not having enough help from their husband is a major source of daily stress. Mothers spend more time on tidying things up and preparing meals while husbands relax. Wives’ duties also include planning the budget, buying groceries and paying bills.


The best way to deal with this issue is to equally share household responsibilities. It is also one of the secret recipes for a successful marriage.


#3 Women lacks free time and may feel guilty.

With all the duties mentioned above, wives may feel like they don’t have enough free time, especially if they also work full time. They need to perform all household chores after work and pay attention to each member of the family. Because of the rush, mistakes can sometimes occur.


When something goes wrong, she may feel guilty – making her even more stressed. “I feel like I am figuring out a lot about parenting on my own without the input of my husband. This stresses me out because when something goes wrong, it is all my fault,” one responder said.


To solve this issue, husbands can share with her not only childcare and housework but also responsibility for the family as a whole.

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