Categories: Familylife

After Wife Lost Her Sight, Loving Husband Spent TWO Years Planting Thousands Of Flowers For Her



And Mrs. Kuroki had been married for more than 60 years. They lived a happy life with their two children on his dairy farm.

The two had planned on retiring and traveling around Japan but their plans were postponed when Mrs. Kuroki suffered complications from diabetes..


She started losing her vision when she was 52 years old and after a week, she completely lost her sight

Mrs. Kuroki became depressed that she withdrew herself from the world and just spent her time inside their house.



But Mr. Kuroki could not take the sight of the love of his life in such situation so he wanted to do something that could make her feel better.


At first, he didn’t know what to do. But then he started to notice that people would stop by to admire their small garden.


Mr. Kuroki knew very well that his wife loved flowers, so an idea came to his mind. If his wife could not travel around Japan, he would bring the country to her.

The loving husband started planting more and more moss phlox flowers. He chopped down trees and cleared the land to have more space as he continued to expand the garden.


Two years later, his dairy farm looked more like a flower farm.

Mr. Kuroki’s hopes of tempting her out of the house finally came true. Even though she couldn’t see the flowers, she could smell and feel them. It also let her talk to many visitors who stopped by to admire their beautiful garden.


Mrs. Kuroki’s smile returned, making her husband very happy.

The farm is now a popular tourist attraction. The shed where cows were kept turned into a museum showing the couple’s love story.



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