Categories: life

Huge Lion and Tiny Dachshund Face Each Other. The Hilarious Encounter Goes Viral

Dachshund dogs may lack physical strength, but they can cover it up with their attitude and personality.


Considering their size, you may wonder whether they can be a suitable playmate for Bonedigger, the Barbary lion. However, despite his spine chilling name and physical attributes, he shares an adorable relationship with tiny Abby and her weenie dog buddies.



Abby is a resident of the Oklahoma wildlife park and is well aware of the fact, that she can turn into a snack for the tigers, lions and bears around her. But, the fearless little dog knows the art of charming the huge predators, and bringing out their gentler souls. As a result, the beasts, instead of pounding on her turn into her playmates.



With an intimidating mouth, which is enough to chew them all at once, Bonedigger the lion cuddles his four-legged friends as they zip around licking his face. In fact, the other huge animals too get entertained by weeny Abby and her gang, and her frolic activities make the humans giggle as well.




It is probably because they were introduced to each other at a very tender age, hardly 6-8 weeks old; Bonedigger and Abby share a close bonding even today. Instead of perceiving her as a mouth-watering bun, the huge carnivore loves to spend time with the short-legged pooch and they are not ready to part from each other even for five to ten minutes; and if they are forcefully parted, they show tremendous discontent.



From chewing on the fleas from each other’s bodies, to caressing each other; the dachshund and the lion takes their relationship to another level. They are more of family and friends with each other. Catch the exclusive footage, from the Oklahoma wildlife park, when the sanctuary owner lets in little Abby and Bonedigger face each other!