Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Quick Can You Solve This Tricky Puzzle?

It’s time to put those logical skills to the ultimate test and figure out the answer to this seemingly simple puzzle.


While some refer to the puzzle to be a little tricky on the eyes, others claim they just couldn’t solve the puzzle correctly within the desired time limit. Whatever the case may be, weekday blues just got a whole lot exciting with simple pass time exercises for the mind like these.

point 0 |
Source: The Japan Times

When our readers asked for more fun-filled and engaging puzzles, we simply could not resist.point 198 | And that’s because our readers mean so much to us.point 245 |


This particular puzzle is not hard but to do it in under ten seconds definitely requires the skill of a whole new kind.point 97 | And that’s why we’re inviting you to come forward and solve it at your ease.point 171 | 1

Be sure to let us know how you did towards the end and how long it actually took you to solve it. After all, we love to see how well our readers do when compared to others. Good luck and happy solving!

Source: Science News

The Challenge

When it comes to hobbies, people indulge in a whole array of exciting adventures. From hiking and climbing to cooking and baking. But if you happen to love nature and the great outdoors, not to mention the serenity that comes with it too, we’re sure you’re a true advocate for fishing.

Source: Wake Up Your Mind

Many people say that fishing is more about luck than skill but we just might need to disagree with them. Keeping the fishing theme in mind, here is a challenge that screams to ‘solve me’ from a distance.


In the picture shown below, we just want to know the answer to one seemingly simple question. And that is which of the following fishermen caught the fish. Was it A or B?

The Solution

Source: Collins Dictionary

It’s finally time for the reveal. The right answer is Fisherman A!