Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Find The Odd One Out In This Picture Puzzle?

This picture puzzle may appear to be deceptively simple but one look is all it takes to figure out why it’s not.


Be it jigsaw puzzles, word search games, or crosswords too- puzzling challenges really add an element of fun that’s incomparable to all others. And that’s why we make it a point to give our viewers a daily dose of entertainment fun that’s not only great for breaks at the workplace but also wonderful to buzz away morning blues.

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Source: Acreage Life

After all, who doesn’t love playing games when you’re surrounded by nothing but absolute fun.point 209 |


Also, what if we told you that these challenges give your brain cells the boost they need to refresh, reenergize, and come back sharper than ever! Wow,, who said exercises were boring and daunting? These mental ones sure aren’t.point 196 | 1

So, are you ready for a challenge that has so many viewers on social media scratching their heads? If yes, scroll down below and let the fun games begin!

Source: The Happy Chicken Coup

The Brain-Teasing Puzzle

Alright, let’s start the game that is going viral as we speak. It’s definitely an odd-one-out sort of puzzle. But wait, it’s a little tricky and that’s why only those with eagle-eyed vision and smart problem-solving skills were able to find the correct solution.


All you need to do is take a really good loos at the chickens or hens in this black and white illustration. Next, pay attention to fine details because there’s definitely one that will stand out amongst the rest.

Do you see it? If yes, let us know in the comments section, and don’t forget to share with others too!

Source: Riddles.com

The Correct Solution

We hope you’ve decided upon the final answer by now. So, how do you think you did? Were you able to answer correctly with just enough time to spare? Well, we certainly hope so. Check out the solution below and let us know how you did in the comments section too!

Source: Briddles

The correct answer is chicken number 8! As far as the reason being is concerned, well, chicken 8 can’t be seen by any other chicken!